How to Face Life’s Inevitable Situations

In our fast-paced world, every day, life has become an exercise in managing change. Our circumstances change, our relationships change, our bodies change. We grow older every day, as does our world. Thankfully God does not change. He is eternal, as are the truths in His Holy Word. Are you facing one of life's inevitable mid-course corrections? If so, you must place your faith, your trust and your life in the hands of the One who does not change – your Heavenly Father. He is the unmoving rock upon which you must construct this day and every day. When you do, you are secure. We do not observe the world around us without, in some way, changing it and being changed ourselves. When the world seems to be spinning out of control, let us turn to God, and trust Him for his wisdom and plans for our lives. Trust God this day and every day! ~Proverbs 27:12