Ambassadors for God

Second Corinthians 5:20 provides a marvelous description of our roles as believers in the world: ambassadors for Christ. When we share the Good News that Christ paid the penalty for our sins, we are doing the work of God’s ambassadors. The redemptive work of Jesus Christ, through His death, burial and resurrection has provided the means by which human beings- who are spiritually separated from God- can be brought back into a relationship with the Creator. As ambassadors we share God’s promise of a new citizenship in heaven, for all who will repent and believe the gospel. Now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation. For all who have not yet trusted Jesus for forgiveness, the time to do so is now. It is urgent. Allow the Holy Spirit to alert you of your need to put your trust in Jesus. Do not put it off. Run to Jesus. Now is the day. There is no better day than today to enter into God’s family.
~2  Corinthians 6: 2