Moving Obstacles

Mountain size obstacles are part of living in a fallen world. They come in all forms-financial struggles; relational frustrations; health issues; and any number of other situations. Jesus said we will have trouble in this life, it is unavoidable.
However there is hope because Jesus has overcome the world. (John 16:33). When our problems seem overwhelming, Jesus tells us to have faith in God and pray. God is committed to removing those obstacles that are hindrances to His will. We must also make sure we are not obstacles standing in God’s way. Jesus points out in Mark 11: 25-27 that unforgiving spirit breaks our fellowship with God thereby hindering our prayers. In fact any sin we tolerate becomes a barrier between us and the Lord. Our first reaction to obstacles should be self examination. Let us ask God” Are there sins in our lives ?” Do our requests align with God’s will? ” Only then can we confidently ask God to move our mountains! Luke 22:44