Are you seeking a renewed sense of purpose?

Even the most inspired believers can, from time to time find themselves running on empty. Why? Because the inevitable demands of daily life can drain us of our strength and rob us of the joy that is rightfully ours in Christ. Thankfully God stands ready to renew our spirits, even on the darkest of days. God’s Word is clear: When we genuinely lift our hearts and prayers to Him, He renews our strength. Are you seeking a renewed sense of purpose? Turn your heart towards God in prayers. Are you weak or worried? Take the time to delve deeply into God’s Holy Word. Are you spiritually depleted? Call upon Christ to renew your spirit and your life. When you do, you will discover that the Creator of the Universe stands always ready and able to create a new sense of wonderment and joy in you. Every day of our lives is a journey with God. Let us allow Him to guide our steps today and always. ~Matthew 11:28-30