What areas of your life could use a little more obedience?

The call to Christ is the call to obedience. Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said " Only those who obey can believe, and only those who believe can obey ". So many people today have the wrong opinion of living life of obedience. Obedience is not a penalty levied on faith. It is the strength of faith. The commands of God are designed to make us happier than we can possibly be without them. The commands of God are not oppressive they are blessings. The scripture points out that the more we obey God, the more real God becomes to us and the more our faith grows. The more we love God, the more we become like Him in our characteristics. Obedience to God is our loving response to His gifts of life and love. We do not have to obey God out of deep-rooted responsibility, rather we do it out of a response to what He has already done for us. To obey God is to love God. Jesus said it this way: "If you love me, you will obey​ ​what I command" (John 14:15).​​​ ​If we believe we will obey!​ ​What areas of your life could use a little more obedience? ​~​John 14:21