Are we willing to experience a relationship with Jesus?

Christ’s love for us is both intimate and personal. He gave His life so that we might have the gift of eternal life. His love is unbounded by time or circumstances. Christ is like a river that is continually flowing. There are always fresh supplies of water coming from the fountainhead, so that a man may live by it and be supplied by water all his life. Also Christ is an ever flowing fountain; He is continually supplying His people, and the fountain is not spent. If we live by Christ we shall have fresh supplies from Him for all eternity; we shall have an increase of blessedness that is new, and new still, and which never will come to an end. Are we willing to experience these promises and relationship with Jesus? Our Savior is waiting patiently; let us not make Him wait a single minute longer. We have to embrace His love Today! Romans 8: 38-39