God’s perfect will and purpose for us

God wants to be the greatest passion of every believer’s life. If we claim we love the Lord, our connection with Him should have priority over possessions, vocations and even other relationships. Psalm 37:4, reveals the Lord’s principle for purifying our desires and issues a call for devotion to Him. To delight in the Lord means to take pleasure in discovering more about Him and following His will. This leads to the Holy Spirit aligning our hearts’ desires with His, which always puts us in the position to experience His blessings. When we commit our ways to God, we allow our thoughts, goals and lifestyles to be shaped by His will and the things He loves. In other words, we acknowledge His rights to determine whether our longings fits His plan. If we rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him, then we will rely on Him to work out circumstances, even when the desire He is giving us seems impossible. When He is our first love, our hearts become focused on making His glory known in our lives. When we are aligned with His will, our Father will give us our hearts’ desires-in His time. As we learn to enjoy Him for who He is, “our self -focused wants” are replaced by His perfect will and purpose for us.
Psalm 37:4