Do you know that God is interested in you?

God is intensely interested in each of us, and He will guide our steps if we serve Him obediently. When we sincerely offer heartfelt prayers to our Heavenly Father, He will give direction and meaning to our lives- but He would not force us to follow Him. To the contrary, God has given us the free will to follow His commandments or not. When we stray from God’s commandments, we invite bitter consequences. But when we follow His commandments, and when we genuinely and humbly seek His will, He touches our hearts and leads us on the path of His choosing. Will you trust God to guide your steps? You should. When we entrust our lives to Him completely and without reservation, God will give us the strength to meet any challenge, the courage to face any trial and the wisdom to live in His righteousness and His peace. So let us trust Him today and seek His guidance. When we do, our next steps will be the right ones. Let us accept God’s lead and guidance today and every day of our lives, so that our lives can be tributes to His grace, mercy, love and to His Son.  Psalm 37:22