From discouragement to praise

One of Satan 's most effective weapon is discouragement – (Distraction/Busyness). The enemy knows that if he can destroy our courage, we will be ineffective in our attempts to accomplish anything for Christ. One mark of discouragement is a divided mind. This underlying distractions affect every area and decisions. Discouragement leads to the "blame game", where we point a finger at some one else. We sometimes try to find fault with God because He allowed those painful circumstances in our lives. Sometimes we feel guilty for poor choices or past mistakes. Blame is an empty activity. No healing or restoration can ever come when we try to push responsibility to someone else for the hardships we are experiencing. Anger is another indication that we are discouraged. When this occurs, bitterness may develop and finally lead to a spirit of vengeance. Anger if allowed to grow can spread to a spirit of resentment. This is a dangerous drift in our spiritual walk. God will then seem distant, uncaring or perhaps even absent, because we have built high walls around ourselves. Things that were once cornerstones in our lives – like worship, Bible studies and prayer – easily fall by the wayside. Before long we will be surrounded by disappointment and negativity. This will eat away into our relationship with our Heavenly Father. God is the only person who can lift us out of this "miry clay and set our feet upon a rock". Instead, let us use any discouragement to motivate us to turn to the Lord, the one who can "put a new song in our mouth" – Psalm 40:1-3; James 1:2-4