What do you want Christ to do for you?

What do we want Christ to do for us? Would there be any selfishness in our requests? We are born with a self-centered nature, which remains present even after Salvation, and shows up in a variety of ways. Furthermore, we live in a culture that clamors for greatness and constantly tells us to assert ourselves, so we can move up the ladder of success to get what is ours. However, what Jesus taught about greatness is the exact opposite: Become a Servant to others (Mark 9:35)! True greatness is measured not on Earth, but in Eternity- when we stand before the judgement seat of Christ. He will be looking for humility, rather than impressive earthly accomplishments. This does not mean that as Christians we should turn down positions of prominence, rather, we should accept such roles as opportunities to be a steward for Christ and a servant for all. Humble people understand who they are and who the Lord is. The Lord is the source of life, and every possession and ability we have. Our assignment, while on Earth, is to use whatever God has entrusted to us, whether great or small, in a way that glorifies Him and benefits others. Though we might not get acknowledged for our humility in this life, we must remember that the reward of a true servant comes only in eternity – Matthew 20:20-28