Prayer and the Word of God

Prayer and the Word of God are inseparable and should always go together. In His Word, God speaks to us and in prayers we speak to God. If there is to be true communication, God and us must both take part. If we simply pray without using God's Word, we are apt to use our own words and thoughts. Taking God's thoughts from His Words is indispensable for all true prayer!Through the Word the Holy Spirit shows us who God is. The Word also teaches us how sinful we are. It reveals to us all the wonders that God will do for us and the strength He will give us to do His will. The Word teaches us how to pray with a strong desire, a firm faith and a constant perseverance. The Word teaches us not only who we are but whom we may become. Above all, it reminds us that Christ is the great Intercessor and allows us to pray in His name. Let us learn to renew our strength each day in God's Word and to pray according to His Will. – Psalm 119:107