Do we need help?

We sure do! We need help to get through each day. God is our Creator. First, He created all things and made man the crown of His creation, with whom He desires a personal intimate relationship. Second, He never sleeps nor slumbers. He is constantly working in our lives. He does not take time off. Third, He is our Protector. God stands ready to shield us from dangers around the clock. If not for the protection of God, none of us will make it. We must live our lives with our eyes fixed on Him. We can face life’s issues with confidence, knowing that God is all sufficient and all powerful. He personally watches over and helps His own. With what do we need Him to help us? Let us turn them over to God and trust Him to help us. Today is the day to make the wise decision to fix our eyes on Him and give our concerns to Him. He is waiting, let us not delay Him a minute longer! Make the call with prayers! – Psalm 121:2