The God of Infinite Possibilities

Life is a series of successes and failures, celebrations and disappointments, joys and sorrows. God stands beside us every step of the way, through every triumph and tragedy, and will strengthen us if we have faith in Him. Jesus taught His disciples that if they had faith they could move mountains. We can too! When we place our faith, our trust, indeed our very lives in the hands of Christ Jesus, we will be amazed at what He can do with us and through us. As we trust God’s plans, our faith will be strengthened through praise, worship, Bible study and prayer. With Him, all things are possible. Just imagine the marvelous world of possibilities that will open to us if we have faith. Let our faith in Christ be in the quiet confidence that He will, every day, and in every moment, give us the strength we need. God walks with us through the lowest points in our lives. He can make it possible to discover blessings in our valleys. God is the master of turning burdens into blessings. Let us not be afraid when we encounter difficulties, but instead believe that His goodness and love will follow us. Whatever our stresses or concerns, the heart of God is the place to “rest into”. Leave it all with Him, “for He cares for us” (1 Peter 5:7).The best way to rest from life’s struggles is to lean on Jesus! – 2 Chronicles 20:20