Being Overwhelmed?

God is a never-ending source of support and courage for those of us who call upon Him. When we are weary, He gives us strength. When we see no hope, God reminds us of His promises. When we grieve, God wipes away our tears. Do the demands of this day threaten to overwhelm us? If so, we must rely not only upon our own resources, but also upon the promises of our Father in Heaven. God will hold our hands and walk with us every day of our lives if we let Him. So even if our circumstances are difficult, let us trust our Father. His love is eternal and His goodness endures forever. What God promises is that He will always, always come to us when we call on Him. He always shows up! He always saves. He always rescues. Even though His timing is not ours, what we can know, what we can settle in our souls is that He is faithful to come when we call. He will never leave or forsake us. He is always by us protecting and encouraging us. Whatever each day may bring let us always thank Him for His love and support. – 1 Peter 5:6-7