God With Us!

As Jacob did in Genesis 28, we need to remind ourselves each morning when we awaken that God is present, with us, “in this place”. As we spend time with Him each morning, reading His Word and responding in prayer, it reinforces our senses of His presence. Although we do not see Him, Peter reminds us that we can love Him and rejoice in His love for us, with “inexpressible glorious joy” (Peter 1:8). We take the Lord’s presence with us, all through the day; blending work and play, with prayer. He is our teacher, our companion, our gentle, kind and very best friend. God is with us wherever we go. He is in the common place, whether we know it or not. Surely, the Lord is always there with us. We may not realize it, but He is close by. We may feel lonely and sad, our day may seem bleak and dreary, but remember He is present. Amid all the clamor and din of this visible and audible world, let us listen to God’s silent voice. Listen to Him in the Bible. Talk to Him frequently in prayer. Look for Him in our circumstances- seek Him always. He is with us wherever we go. Our greatest privilege is to enjoy God’s presence. Do not miss it. Enjoy it now and forever! – Genesis 28:16