True Allegiance

We usually think that denying Christ is an outright act— like Peter’s disavowal of Jesus in John 18:12-27.
We deny our Lord whenever we through love of this present world forsake the course of duty which Christ has plainly pointed out to us. 
We deny our Lord whenever we lend our praise or even our silence to things which we ourselves believe to be sinful.
We deny our Lord whenever we forsake a good man in affliction and refuse to give countenance, encouragement and support to those who for God’s sake and for the faithful discharge of their duty are exposed to persecution and slander. 
We deny our Lord whenever we love the world and in the process fail to do as He directs. 
We deny our Lord whenever we tolerate sin, and refuse to support our fellow believers. These are subtle ways we deny the One who redeemed us. Let us determine from today to live faithfully for Jesus so that no one will ever be able to accuse us of turning our backs on Him. 
Allegiance to our Lord should be one of our top priorities and the proof of our allegiance stems from what we say and do to honor Him. –  2 Timothy 2:12