God Listens

Many people make resolutions on New Year’s Day, promising themselves (and sometimes God) that the next year of life will be different. We determine that the habits are going to be changed and new patterns of behavior developed. Resolutions like these are very commendable and can often serve as a stimulus to spiritual growth. But not always! Sometimes our resolutions are carried out only for a little while and all too soon are forgotten. We should face up to the changes that need to be made, and then make plans for the way we are going to implement them. For example, if we realize that our devotional habits are weak and inconsistent, let us resolve to spend more time in focused fellowship with God. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to help us in this consistent practice, through all our tomorrows. Today is a good day to start! God speaks to those who take time to listen, and He listens to those who take time to pray! – Psalm 119:31-32