Unconditional Love

Have you ever wondered if you are a “whole person?" A whole person is generally satisfied with life. They feel loved and are able to love others in return. Difficulties and hardships do not devastate them, because they are able to go through them with confidence in God. They are not a complainer or someone who is quick to blame others. A positive attitude guides their mind, since they know that the Lord will work everything out for good (Romans 8:28). Being a Christian does not automatically make us feel complete. Fullness comes when we experience God’s love. When we feel the security of God’s love for us, we discover great joy, from walking in obedience to His will. We can trust Him to meet all our needs in His time and way. Do we feel the Lord’s love, or do we see it as just a Biblical tale? When we long for wholeness, we will genuinely experience a one-on-one relationship with Jesus Christ. This is possible only when we are willing to open up and let the Lord search our hearts. What is holding you back from accepting His unconditional love? — Ephesians 3:14-21