Seeking happiness, abundance, and contentment

Do you seek happiness, abundance, and contentment? If so, here are some things you should do:  Love God and His Son; Depend upon God for strength. Try to the best of your abilities to follow God’s will and Try to obey His Holy Word. When you do these things, you will discover that happiness goes hand-in-hand with righteousness. The happiest people are not those who rebel against God. The happiest people are those who love God and obey His commandments. What does life have in store for you? A world full of possibilities (of course it is up to you to seize them), and God’s promise of abundance (of course it is up to you to accept it). Your Creator has blessed you beyond measure. Honor Him with your prayers, your words, your deeds and your joy. The Lord is our strength and our joy, we will rejoice in the day He has made and we will give thanks for the countless blessings that He has given us. Let us be joyful Christians and share the good news of His Son now and always. — Psalm 84:4-5