Righteous Living

Since God created Adam and Eve, we human beings have been rebelling against our Creator. Why? Because we are unwilling to trust God’s Word, and we are unwilling to follow His commandments. God has given us a guide book for righteous living called the Holy Bible. It contains thorough instructions, which if followed, lead to fulfillment, righteousness and salvation. But, if we choose to ignore God’s commandments, the results are as predictable as they are tragic. Talk is easy—living by His commandments is considerably harder. Unless we are willing to abide by God’s laws, all of our righteous proclamations ring hollow. How can we best proclaim our love for the Lord? By obeying Him. God does not want the forced obedience of slaves. He covets the voluntary love and obedience of children who love and believe in Him. Let us ask God to bless us with a love that is infinite and eternal, so that we can demonstrate our love for Him by obeying His commandments. –1 John 2:17