Why did Christ die on the cross?

Christ sacrificed His life so that we might be born again. This gift, freely given from God’s only begotten Son, is the priceless possession of everyone who accepts Him as Lord and Savior. Let us claim Christ’s gift today. Let us walk with the Savior, let us love Him, let us praise Him, and let us share His message of Salvation with all those who cross our paths. We are saved not because of our good deeds, but because of our faith in Christ. May we who have been given so much, praise our Savior for the gift of Salvation, and may we share the joyous news of the Master’s limitless love with our families, with our friends and the world. When we accepted Jesus as our personal Savior, He changed us forever and made us whole. We were born again. He is a God of love, redemption, conversion and salvation. Let us praise Him today and for ever. —1 Peter 1:23