Is Christ the focus of your life?

Are you fired with enthusiasm for Him? Are you an energized Christian who allows God’s Son to reign over every aspect of your day? Make no mistake: that’s exactly what God intends for you to do. God has given you the gift of eternal life through His Son. In response to God’s priceless gift, you are expected to focus your thoughts, your prayers, and your energies upon God and His only begotten Son. To do this, you must resist the subtle yet powerful temptation to become a “spiritual dabbler”. A person who dabbles in the Christian Faith is unwilling to place God above all other things. Resist that temptation, and make God the cornerstone and the touchstone of your life. When you do, He will give you all the strength and wisdom you need to live victoriously for Him. As one of His marvelous creations, let us rejoice and give Him thanks always. Today, let our thoughts be focused on His blessings and love.  May the Lord make us joyful and grateful Christians! — Hebrews 12:2