How can we best proclaim our love for the Lord?

We live in a world filled with temptations, distractions, and countless opportunities to disobey God. As Believers who seek to be godly role models for our families and to our community, we must turn our thoughts and our hearts away from the evils of this world, we must turn instead to God. Talking about God is easy, living by His laws is considerably harder. Unless we are willing to live obediently, all our righteous words ring hollow. How can we best proclaim our love for the Lord? By obeying Him. We must seek God’s counsel and trust the counsel He gives. When we invite God into our hearts and live according to His commandments, we are blessed today, tomorrow and forever. When we are tempted to disobey His commandments, let us ask God to correct our errors and to guide our paths. Let us be faithful stewards of our talents, our opportunities and our possessions, so that His kingdom may be glorified. — Deuteronomy 30:2-3