You are wonderfully made!

Genesis 1:26-27 says, we were created in God’s image. Similarly Genesis 5:1 and James 3:9 tell us we were made in His likeness. Because we are made in God’s image, each person is a "work of art, signed by God". Each of us is a unique expression of God’s loving design. We were created with characteristics that set us apart from other creatures. We have the capacity to reason, to make moral choices, and to be in relationship with others. We also have the capacity to do good works and Jesus set the precedent: “He went around doing good” (Acts 10:38). Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we were created to do good works and God prepared in advance the good works we would do. Our task is to stay near to God, rely on the Holy Spirit for strength and be alert to what God is calling us to do. Let us praise God that He uses each of us, in His own time, and in His own way. Let us ask: How would He like to use us, Lord? We are open and willing! — Ephesians 2:10