Whose Footsteps Will You Follow?

With whom shall we choose to walk with today? Shall we choose to walk with shortsighted people who honor the ways of the world or shall we walk with the Son of God? Jesus desires to walk with us. Are we ready to walk with Him? Hopefully we shall choose to walk with Him today and everyday of our lives. Jesus has called upon believers of every generation (and that includes us) to follow in His footsteps. And God’s Word promises that when we follow in Christ footsteps, we shall learn how to live freely and lightly (Matthew 11:28-30). Jesus does not want us to be “follow the crowd” kind of persons, He wants us to be “new creations” through Him. And that is exactly what we should want for ourselves. Jesus deserves our extreme enthusiasm; the world needs it and we need the experience of sharing it. The Lord has not called us to a life of mediocrity, but a life of passion. Today, let us be enthusiastic followers of Jesus and share His Good News and His Love with all who cross our paths. — Ephesians 6:7