Possessive Idolatry

Possessions eventually possess us if they become our reasons for being. The danger is that they become our life, our dominant desire and the Lord becomes an addendum to "our already full life". What does the parable in Luke 12 say to us? Is it possible to miss eternal life by making gods of the material possessions of life?  Our god is whatever controls our thinking and demands our allegiance. The problem many of us face is that we believe in God, but draw our identity and security from our possessions/financial security. Let us not be like the “rich fool” mentioned in Luke 12. Even if we do not have "full barns", if we allow worrying over them to dominate us, to the point of anxiety, means we are still worshiping the barns. It is easy to become distracted by getting when we have little, and hoarding when we have much. So let us surrender all to the Lord and ask Him to guide us in using it all for His glory. — Luke 12