Conforming to God’s rules

In order to enjoy a deeper relationship with God, we must strive diligently to live in accordance with His commandments. But there is a problem-we live in a world that seeks to snare our attention and lead us away from God. Because we are an imperfect mortal being, we can not be perfectly obedient nor does God expect us to be. What is required however, is a sincere desire to be obedient, coupled with an awareness of sin, and a willingness to distance ourselves from sin as soon as we encounter it. Are we willing to conform our behaviors to God’s rules? Hopefully, we can answer that question with a resounding Yes. Otherwise we can never experience a full measure of the blessings that the Creator gives to those who obey Him. We should grow closer to Him each day, knowing that obedience to Him will strengthen our relationship with Him. Let us obey His commandments and His Word today and everyday of our lives. 1 John 2:3