Stability in Christ Jesus!

We live in an atmosphere of change. Today more than ever before, it appears that almost everything is in a state of flux. Very little seems to endure. Many well established foundations are being shaken. The world is “on the move". As a result, our generation is restless, insecure, uncertain of who we are, why we are here, and where we are going. In such a day we should be thankful that there are some things that abide. First, we know a person who never changes—One in whom we can place our trust and believe with all our hearts. We serve a God who is the same yesterday, today and forever. He said “I am the Lord, I do not change" (Malachi 3:6). There are also absolutes, principles, and abiding truths to guide and comfort us. These can be found in the Bible, the Word of God. Given to us by an immutable God, the Scriptures are His eternal truth. It is the message that groping, lost souls need today. Let us thank God for the Bible—His unchanging Word in a changing world! — Psalm 119:89