Having the Right Perspective on Possessions

All too often, we focus our thoughts and energies on the accumulation of earthly treasures leaving precious little time to accumulate the only treasures that really matter: the spiritual kind. Our material possessions have the potential to do great good or terrible harm, depending upon how we choose to use them. As believers, our instructions are clear, we must use our possessions in accordance with God’s commandments, and we must be faithful stewards of the gifts He has seen fit to bestow upon us. Today, let us honor God by placing no other gods before Him. God comes first, everything else comes next and “everything else" most certainly includes all of our earthly possessions. When we put people before possessions, we are sowing seeds of enduring satisfaction. Let us seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness. Let us trust Him completely for all our needs, spiritual and material. We must thank Him always for His protection, for His love, and for His Son. — Luke 12:15