A Light Unto Out Paths!

Is the Bible your lamp? If not, you are depriving yourself of a priceless gift from the Creator? Are you a person who trusts God’s Word without reservation? Hopefully so, because the Bible is unlike any other book—it is a guide book for life here on earth and for life eternal. God’s word can be a road map to a place of righteousness and abundance. Our passage through the dark and dangerous journey of this life is illuminated by God’s Word—the Bible.”Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." The Bible is a light for darkness and for illumination in brighter times. God’s Word can be our road map. God’s wisdom can be a light to guide our steps. Let us claim it as our guide today, tomorrow, and forevermore. Let us walk confidently in the footsteps of God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. — Psalm 119:105