The Heart of God

Jesus has not only the right but the power. He could illuminate, reveal, and communicate God because He was God Incarnate. Today let us claim what we know of God because of His own Word about Himself and Jesus Christ. 
Christ illuminated God:
—As a loving Father, who is vitally interested in all His children’s needs, and knows and cares for each individual soul
—As a God who is in constant search for His children
—As a God who does not wait for His children to be ready or adequate 
—As a God who forgives before man confesses not because he confesses, but so that he may 
—As a God who because of His love, has allowed His children to be free and stands with them even when they fail and cause themselves or others pain
—As a God who exercises His sovereignty over the universe and shows His love in suffering on the cross to heal hatred, sickness, and pain 
—As a God who is constantly bringing His children of all races and creeds together to be brothers because He is Father 
—As a God who is utterly available to His people through the creative conversations of prayer as a life line for guidance, power, and peace 
—As a God who has created man for an eternal relationship which death cannot end
—As a God who is ultimate and final as Lord of history…the One who was, is, and ever shall be!
Jesus has authority because He is the Author of life — Luke 4:32