Abundant Living

The familiar Words of John 10:10 should serve as a daily reminder: Christ came to this earth so that we might experience His abundance, His love, and His gift of eternal life. But as we all know, some days are so busy and so hurried that abundance seems a distant promise. It is not everyday that we can claim the spiritual abundance that God promises for our lives—but we should. Christ is the ultimate Savior of mankind and the personal Savior of those who believe in Him. As His children, we should place Him at the very center of our lives. And everyday that God gives us breath, we should share Christ’s love and abundance with a world that needs both. Let us thank our Lord for the abundant life that is ours through His Son Jesus. We must share the message of abundance with family, friends, and our community. In this New year 2019, Let us determine to claim with courage the spiritual riches that God has promised and to share these with all who cross our paths. 
— John 10:10
P.s. I wish you and your family a happy and prosperous new year!