Moving Mountains

God gives the gifts; we, as believers should accept them, but often times, we do not. Why? Because we fail to trust our Heavenly Father completely, and because we are, at times, surprisingly stubborn. Luke 11 teaches us that God does not withhold spiritual gifts from those who ask. Our obligation, quite simply, is to ask for them. Are you a person who asks God to move mountains in your life, or are you expecting Him to stumble over molehills? Whatever the size of your challenges, God is big enough to handle them. Let us ask for His help with faith and fervor, and then watch in amazement as the mountains begin to move. God uses our most stumbling, faltering, faith-steps, as the open door to His doing for us more than we ask or can think of. The Bible tells us that when we ask for God’s help, He will give it. Let us thank Him for His love, and seek today in faith for His help knowing He will give it. — James 4:2