The Word of God is clear: Christ came in order that we might have life abundant and life eternal. Eternal life is a priceless possession of all who invite Christ into their hearts, God’s abundance is optional. He does not force it upon us. When we entrust our hearts and our days to the One who created us, we experience abundance through the grace and sacrifice of His Son. But when we turn our thoughts and direct our energies away from God’s commandments, we inevitably forfeit the spiritual abundance that might otherwise be ours.
Do you sincerely seek the riches that our Savior offers those who give themselves to Him? Then follow Him completely and obey Him without reservation. When you do, you will receive the love and abundance that He has promised. Seek first the Salvation that is available through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and then claim the joy, the peace, and the spiritual abundance that the Shepherd offers His sheep. People, places, and things were never meant to give us life. God alone is the author of a fulfilling life. Have you accepted the Grace of God’s only begotten Son? Then worship Him. Worship Him today and every day.
Psalm 23:5-6