A Love Gauge

 > > What is it that God really wants from us? We have a Bible filled with the Lord’s commands, kingdom principles, and specific instructions for godly living. It is a good thing that God summarized His law in a single verse: > each of us is to love God with all our heart, all our soul, and all our might. God wants far more than external conformity to His laws. He seeks enthusiastic obedience as a response of love for Him, not obedience stemming from a sense of duty or obligation. So as God’s children, let us flee from anything that draws us away from loving our Heavenly Father. Let us put ourselves in places where we can know God better, because to know Him is to love Him. A love relationship with God truly is His desire for our lives. Obedience to His law Is simply a gauge of our love. God wants our heart. He wants us to enjoy our time with Him. He wants us to love Him. — Deuteronomy 6:5