God’s Empowering Presence

> God desires an intimate relationship with us, so He created us with a yearning for His presence. Though He alone can fill that void, people attempt to satisfy their longings with all kinds of relationships and activities. But filling that spot with anything other than the Lord is at best a short time solution. The Bible urges us to stop our frenzied search for satisfaction in what the world offers, and instead recognize that we should turn to Jesus Christ. Yet so many people pursue substitutes for His presence. Friends, hobbies, and busy schedules provide momentary pleasure while using up precious time that should be spent in quietness before God. And all too often, when the amusement of one thing wears off, we seek a new activity or person to fill the gap. Nothing besides the Lord can adequately fill the spot in our life that God has reserved for Himself—noise and busyness will satisfy for just a little while. Our Father’s empowering presence is the only genuine solution. For believers, the Holy Spirit is already present within. What we must do is settle ourselves before God, and He will make Himself known to us. > Psalm 42:1,5;145:18