These are troubled times. Times when we have legitimate fears for our nation, our world, and our families. We live in a fear-based world where bad news travel at light speed, and good news do not. But as Christians, we have every reason to live courageously. After all, the ultimate battle has already been fought and won on that faraway cross at Calvary. We may have our courage tested by the anxieties and fears that are an inevitable part of our lives. When we find our courage tested, God wants to remind us that He is not just near, He is there with us. Our Heavenly Father is our Protector and our Deliverer. Let us call upon Him in our hour of need, and be comforted. Whatever our challenges, whatever our troubles, God can definitely handle it. And He will. God shields us from most of the things we fear, and He unfailingly apportions grace in the measure needed. — Psalm 112:7