The title of today's message references one of the most beautiful and reassuring statements in the Bible. There are four great truths for us to treasure today as we reflect on the great benefits of being a follower of Jesus. The first is that Jesus knows us. He doesn't just know about us, He knows us. Jesus knows each of us personally. That's amazing! Secondly, Jesus gives us eternal life. Knowing Jesus personally leads to great rewards. The best of all is that we enjoy today, right now, a quality of life that is superabundant and everlasting. Thirdly, Jesus says that we shall never perish. Even though we shall die physically, we will not perish spiritually. We have eternal life. We are going to live forever in the Father's house with Jesus! Fourthly, Jesus says that no one can snatch us out of His hand. Our names are written on His Hand. We are under His loving, all-powerful hand every day. There is no power of hell or force on earth that can remove us from the protective and omnipotent hand of the Son of God. Our lives are indeed in His hands, and that is the safest place to be. So let us keep listening to the Shepherd and follow Him. That way, we can be sure of always enjoying these immense privileges. — John 10: 27-28