We expend much energy on problems that do not exist. We all face real issues, but we often create additional ones by thinking of all the bad things that might happen but never do. One of the challenges for many Christians is to turn our worries to God in prayer rightly, but then instead of leaving it to God, we wrestle it right back and return to worrying. Many of us find trusting God's will and purpose difficult. Perhaps this is borne out of life battled pessimism or just natural sensitivity. Still, there is hope in God, in Christ Jesus, who repeatedly asks us to turn over our burdens to Him (Psalm 55:22, Proverbs 16:3, 1 Peter 5:7). We should be glad that our Heavenly Father is patient with us. Let us place our trust in God, in His love and goodness. Remember that worry is carrying a burden that God never intended for us to bear! — Philippians 4:6