The Gift of Grace

Christ came into the world when we least deserved Him. The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ died for us, even when we were still yet sinners (Romans 5:8). Jesus keeps coming to us because He loves us. From the cross, we witness God’s imploring love, the defeat of death, and the gift of Salvation. That is God’s gift to us. Why not accept that gift today by opening it and enjoying the healing, liberating, and motivating power of the Lord, God, Almighty, The Great I Am, Who Is, Who Was, and Who Is Still to Come! There is no problem we face that God’s Grace doesn’t conquer. Love plus forgiveness equals freedom! Christ came so that we can get up when we are down. What troubles you? What memory or failure still haunts us or makes us hostile to ourselves or others? Let us be gracious and give the gift of forgiveness to those who may have hurt us in one way or another. Just as God’s redemptive sacrifice on the cross freed us from condemnation and the penalty of sin. — Romans 8:1