God is faithful to us even when we are not faithful to Him. God keeps His promises to us even when we stray far from His will. He continues to love us even when we disobey His commandments. Nevertheless, God does not force His blessings upon us. If we are to experience His love and His Grace, we must claim them for ourselves. Are you tired, discouraged, or fearful? Be comforted, remember God is with us (Matthew 1:23). Are you confused? Listen for the Holy Spirit's guidance. Are you bitter? Pray to the Heavenly Father for deliverance. Do you have a victory or testimony to give? Then, thank God and praise Him for seeing you through. For our, God is the Giver of all things good. Whatever the situation may be, we must remember to trust God and be comforted. God is with us now and forever. God's faithfulness and grace make the impossible possible. — 1 Corinthians 1:9