Today let us think of the gift of words in the context of the parable of the talents. Our words can be used to multiply the kingdom of God–Words of Love, Forgiveness, Encouragement, and Hope. We can use the talent of what He has done for us to share the adventure of new life with other people. They will listen to what Christ can do for them if our lives and words have been authentic. We are to be people who can be trusted. We can also choose to break down trust by using our words for gossip, negative criticism, and backbiting. In such cases, our witness will become tarnished, and we will not be the people others can trust with their deepest concerns. The talent of the gift of words can be multiplied if we use our terms to share Christ’s love. There may be some of us who are more capable of communicating our faith, but we all have at least one talent. We need to dig it up and begin to use it. Today is the day to dig up our talent for Words and invest it in sharing love and hope with others. — Matthew 25:15