Relinquish All to God

Fear can silently infiltrate our lives, seizing our minds and hearts. It can impact our decision-making, our well-being, and our inner strength without us even realizing it. Many miss out on God’s blessings because fear obstructs their faith and obedience to His will. Initially, fear may seem insignificant, but if left unaddressed, it can begin to disrupt our lives. It can manifest as physical tension, making it difficult to find peace and joy in life. Persistent anxiety can lead to health issues. Fear can cloud our thoughts, restrict our ambitions, and stifle our imagination and creativity. Unchecked fears can mentally paralyze us, posing a significant threat to our spiritual well-being. If we fail to surrender our fears to God, they can easily gain control, affecting our attitudes and causing inner turmoil. We become hesitant and anxious about making decisions, ultimately avoiding anything that might trigger anxiety. Consequently, we stagnate in our spiritual growth and encounter challenges in our personal and professional lives. Allowing worry to immobilize us signifies a lack of complete trust in God and a reluctance to follow Him wholeheartedly. It’s crucial to honestly evaluate our lives and seek God’s guidance in identifying where fear is hindering us. — Psalm 91:9-11