Inspirational Messages

Prayer is not some static activity where repeating certain words brings the desired solution . It is on going communication with our Heavenly Father,and should involve listening, speaking and acting on what He tries to tell us. God has promised to answer our prayers, but He often waits before responding for many reasons. Sometimes God has to make us ready for what He wants to give us. Sometimes He uses delays to test our faith or to deepen our relationship to Him. No response from Him means He wants us to continue to seek Him and converse with Him. God's timetable does not match ours. God includes delays as part of our prayer life. Sometimes He answers fast, but often it takes several petitions before He gives us His answers.Jesus calls us to a life style of "asking, seeking and knocking " A life style based on trust in God's promise to answer us. Are you persistent? Luke 18:1-8