Praying with Boldness!

Prayer is the Christian's most powerful God given means for effecting change. Yet we are often hesitant about our appeals. But we should be confident in prayer, primarily because of the knowledge that we belong to God's family. When we received Jesus Christ as Savior, God became our Heavenly Father. As a result we can be absolutely sure He will hear our prayers. We have additional reason for confidence when we pray according to God's will. Some things never fit His plan, such as lying, cheating ,malice, rage. To know God's will our spirit must be submitted to God. We must study the scriptures where God's general will is revealed. We must depend on the Holy Spirit to help us pray in agreement with His purposes. Let us change our praying from timid to bold by aligning our prayers with God's will. Remember He wants to say YES to us. 1John 5:14-15