Praise as a Response to Hardship

A lot of negative emotions accomplish hardship; frustration, despair, fear and doubt. People ruled by these feelings will often make poor choices. This is why we need to respond to troubled times the way the Psalmist did- with a heart of praise. Even in the darkest hours worshiping God fills the heart with joy and the mind with peace. By doing this we see how God is at work in the world and in our lives in ways we did not notice before. God requires obedience from us. Our human tendency is to plot a course through a situation toward the easiest solution. This is a show of lack of faith and makes us miss out on the blessings of following the Lord's plans. Taking a step forward in faith can be frightening, but we should know that our omniscient and omnipotent God has our best interest in mind. We should not despair, and when doubts come to mind, we should recall His past faithfulness to us. Praise even though is not the obvious reaction to hardship is the wisest response.
Isaiah 64:4; Jeremiah 29:11 and Psalm 34