Has Worrying Become a Habit?

“Worry is interest paid on trouble, before it becomes due.”

worryWorry is never healthy, yet so many of us engage in it. Worry is thinking turned toxic; the imagination picturing the worst. The word worry comes from the root, “to choke or strangle.” Worry does choke and strangle our creative capacity to think, hope and dreams. It affects our appetites, relationships, sleep and our ability to work. Worry twists the joy out of life. It’s like dressing up like mountain climbers, to climb over molehills.

“Worry changes nothing and can even become a habit.”

When we worry, we are expressing doubt whether God knows, cares or is able to do anything. Worry is a form of loneliness – facing eventualities by ourselves, on our own meager strength. Worry is a distortion of our capacity to care. Jesus gives us the solution to worry. It is a call to trust fully in God’s care and provision. Because the disciples lived their lives in complete trust in God, they had no need to worry. They were certain God would take care of them. They were confident God knew what they needed. They were convinced His provision is sufficient for today and tomorrow.

“The seed of tomorrow’s harvest are planted today.”

When we take our focus off the Provider and instead focus on the need, our faith wavers and we begin to worry. Let’s trust in God’s care and also in His knowledge. List the things you worry about and take them to God in prayer. Trust that God is a true source of help and commit yourself to His will. Focus on His promises and fill your heart with optimism and confidence. The seed of tomorrow’s harvest are planted today. How we cultivate them will determine what we will reap.

Questions to Consider:
1. What impact can worry have on our spiritual and physical lives?
2. What are practical ways to deal with worry?
3. What were some of your biggest worries growing up?
4. What are some consequences of being enslaved to worry?
5. What steps can you take to move from worrying to trusting?
Most of us get so tomorrow oriented that we do not enjoy the present moment. We are preoccupied by what is coming, and fail to experience what is. It is good to plan, but not to the point that we miss what God is saying in the in the present we are living through.

“What we put first will affect every other thing in our lives.”

Possessions – the god of the greedy, can be tempting. Those who worship at its altar cannot help but be anxious, for they don’t know when this temporary “god” will fail them. Not so with those who look up to the God of Heaven and make Him, His kingdom, and His righteousness, the first choice in life. God is ever faithful, sufficient and caring. He knows our needs and provides for us. Thus we can live free of anxiety, and be able to enjoy life, lived in Him and for Him, today and tomorrow, for eternity. What we put first will affect every other thing in our lives. We must pursue God’s kingdom and His righteousness before all other things. When we give God first place in all things, we will experience the miracle and bounty of His provision.

If we seek Christ first, we will:
*Give God the first of our day, by reading His Word.
*Consider His ways first in all decisions.
*Give Him the first of our resources.
*Place the advancement of His kingdom first over any other.

After we have committed our lives to Christ, and accepted His righteousness, why do we still worry? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Jesus who has been faithful in the past, will be faithful in the future. Let us trust Him to give us what we need, so we can endure the difficulties and rejoice in the victories it brings our way.

Father, thank You for being faithful to provide us with everything we need. Strengthen us day by day to walk in the joy of that reality. Heavenly Father, continue to teach us to trust that You will provide for and take care of us. We know You are a God of love, who knows just what we need. Amen.