Jesus is the only One who gives life true meaning

Jesus offers in John 10:10, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Jesus lived and died so that we can have a life of meaning and purpose; enjoying fellowship with Him and each other. We can chase after material wealth, popularity or earthly achievements, but we will end up feeling empty. Or we can follow Jesus, striving to know, love and serve Him better each day, and have an abundant life. The satisfaction that comes from earthly pleasures does not last. The deep abiding joy that springs from walking with Jesus every day is permanent. Compared with the rich spiritual blessings our Savior generously pours out, the best the world has to offer amounts to nothing. Why would we want to chase after the world, when we can follow the Only One who gives life true meaning? Think about where you have been focusing your time and efforts lately. If  you have been chasing after worldly pleasures, make a commitment to turn to the right direction and follow Jesus instead. You will never regret such a decision! ~Ecclesiastes 2:11