God is passionately pursuing you right now

Passion usually involves a deep love and a deep sacrifice for something or someone. What's your passion? What do you think about during the day and dream about at night? What are you willing to love deeply and sacrificially? What is the passion of God? You and I are the passion of God. God has a one track mind. He loves us, He created us, He gives us life and breath. He brings us new life through the sacrificial death of Jesus. With His love and His Holy Spirit, He passionately pursue us. Isn't it nice to know without a shadow of doubt that we are loved with the passion of God. When was there a time in your life that you passionately pursue God? When was there a time you felt like God's passionate love was pursuing you? Will you die for someone who betrayed you? God is passionately pursuing you right now. He wants you to love Him with passion. Will you do this? ~ Romans 5:8