Do Not Lose Hope

Even the most devout Christian can become discouraged and we are no exception. After all we live in a world where expectations can be high and demands can be even higher. If we find ourselves enduring difficult circumstances we should not lose hope. If we face uncertainties about the future we should not become anxious. If we become discouraged with the direction of our day or our lives, we should not despair. Instead let us lift our thoughts and prayers to our Heavenly Father. He is a God of possibilities not negativity. We can be sure that He will guide us through our difficulties and beyond them- far beyond them. God knows exactly what we need when we invite Him into our daily lives and depend upon His spirit for wisdom. He has promised to give us the answers we need and the ability to take care of whatever life brings our way. Listen to His still small voice; His guidance for us is closer than we can imagine. 
~Job 2:10; Joshua 1:9